Love, Laughs, Hugs, and Killin bugs..thats what this mommy and daddy are made of!

I asked the kids what they love about thier mom and dad.... "you love us!" "tickle us" "make me laugh" "hug and kiss us" and "daddy kills the scary bugs!!" so there you go out of the mouth of babes...what our family is made of!!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Motherhood..What are some of your funny kid stories??

 I think alot about being a mom. Maybe it's because I hear mom, mom, mom or mommy, mommy, mommy consecutively over a hundred times a day from my youngest four kids. At times it's sweet and excited voices, and at other times it could be a cry from a hurt child, or simply one kid trying to get my attention just to tattle on another. Either way motherhood like any job has its ups and downs.For some, like myself, becoming  a mother wasn't an easy process. I do value my role as a mom even if at times I need to take a minute to lock myself in a room with a Diet Dr. Pepper to take a mommy moment for myself. I like to find humor in most everything, I have to with a teenager, ten year old, and four kids under five. I think to be a good mom, we must be able to laugh with our kids and let them know we can be silly too at times! Most importantly be able to laugh at ourselves and the craziness that is a moms world . My funniest memories and stories usually come from some "catastrophy" or "bad day" that I was succomed to as mom. Like the time my potty training son flushed a pull-up and my four year old ran to tell me it was raining in the house! Or taking my children to the grocery store only to have them running around crazy, getting into marshmello cream spending over two hundred dollars and ending up with mostly junk food, six different kind of cookies, four packages of $ 10.00 wall hooks that I didn't even know what they were or where they came from. I could go on for hours and that would probably just be that day!! I love to share these type of stories because it makes people laugh because we have all had those days.. So whats your funny stories?? I thought it would be fun to hear from all my mommy friends...come on don't let me down I know you have all had these kind of days..lets so who can make us LOL :)

1 comment:

  1. I just found Breklyn and Berkli with a phone book and a phone. They were dialing random phone numbers out of the phone book, because "that's what the phone book is for". Who knows who all they talked to?

    They other day at Lowes, Berkli saw a tall skinny guy with a widows peak and grey hair. She was determined to think that he was a vampire and kept screaming for me to NOT let him bite her neck. She was trying to hunch her neck down and hide it in her jacket. I'm pretty sure the guy heard her too.

    And my mom and I were picking Breklyn up from preschool on day. As she climbed in the car she had to say bye to everyone. She got to one particular kid and said "Bye, dumb little son of a *itch". We have no idea where she got it!
